Take the Pledge 3/21 and Support DSAP

About Take the Pledge 3/21 and Support DSAP

Take the "Pledge 3-21" and donate $21 a month to sustain DSAP's programming, speaker series, and free resources​​. You can select the day of the month, your preferred frequence and even adjust your giving amount for your own unique pledge.

Here are some feedback from our recent confidential surveys to showcase our impact:

"I love that DSAP cares enough to bring in speakers that provide such relevant content in a manner that can be easily understood."

"Very positive and engaging with the participants. Everyone always looked excited and happy to be there. Staff and volunteers are all supportive of participants and excited to help. My son loved this and will be back again as it's such a good workout for him. "

"I loved this event! A great time for much needed R & R and a chance to connect with other parents. Always leave these gatherings with a new friend!!"